Tuesday, August 13, 2013

From Ignorant to Green and Healthy

In my somewhat short stay in the U.S. few years back, I learned some new words and expressions, and a whole bunch of stereotypes.  Of course, I didn't realize those were stereotypes or ideas about stuff coming from ignorant people and I just figured – hey, it’s part of the American culture. I didn't even think it will change my basic believes and my whole lifestyle.  

Monday, August 5, 2013

Ecological Gardening- what is it?

by Jonathan White B.App.Sci. Assoc. Dip.App. Sci.
The term Ecological Gardening seems to be gaining popularity.  But what is it?  My experience with Ecological Gardening started many years ago.  You see, I have always been a fence sitter.  As a teenager I could never make my mind up whether I wanted to be a horticulturist or an environmental scientist.  And sometimes I’m still a little unsure!

Super Food - Black Seed

Black seed or Niggela Sativa is considered one of the best drugs since ancient Egypt.  A common name is also Roman coriander or black sesame seeds, but the most important thing about it are health benefits they have.

Black seeds has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as anti-fungal and antioxidant effect, which makes up for the attribute “super food”. Here is a list of various diseases where black seeds can be extremely helpful: